Transitioning to a Microservices Architecture

In any Engineering organisation, as the underlying business hits scale, as the number of team members grow, as the team drives towards operational excellence, transitioning to a microservices architecture seems inevitable. While the benefits of microservices architecture are common knowledge, it also comes with its unique set of challenges and complexities. When moving to microservices, the how and when can play a critical role in ensuring a smooth transition. In this talk, We will discuss some best practices in designing microservices and discuss out journey of transitioning to a microservices architecture.

Curse of the Monolith

At the core of any monolithic application is the business logic, which is implemented by modules that define services, domain objects, and events. Surrounding the core are adapters that interface with the external world. Examples of adapters include database access components, messaging components that produce and consume messages, and web components that either expose APIs or implement a UI.

Despite having a logically modular architecture, such applications are packaged and deployed as a monolith. The actual format depends on the application’s language and framework. For example, many Java applications are packaged as WAR files and deployed on application servers such as Tomcat or Jetty. Other Java applications are packaged as self-contained executable JARs. Similarly, Rails and Node.js applications are packaged as a directory hierarchy.

Applications written in this style are extremely common. They are simple to develop since our IDEs and other tools are focused on building a single application. These kinds of applications are also simple to test. You can implement end-to-end testing by simply launching the application and testing the UI with a testing package such as Selenium.

Monolithic applications are also simple to deploy. You just have to copy the packaged application to a server. You can also scale the application by running multiple copies behind a load balancer. In the early stages of the project it works well.

Unfortunately, this simple approach has a huge limitation. Successful applications have a habit of growing over time and eventually becoming huge. During each sprint, your development team implements a few more user stories, which, of course, means adding many lines of code. After a few years, your small, simple application will have grown into a monstrous monolith. To give an extreme example, I recently spoke to a developer who was writing a tool to analyze the dependencies between the thousands of JARs in their multi-million lines of code (LOC) application. I’m sure it took the concerted effort of a large number of developers over many years to create such a beast.

Once your application has become a large, complex monolith, your development organization is probably in a world of pain. Any attempts at agile development and delivery will flounder. One major problem is that the application is overwhelmingly complex. It’s simply too large for any single developer to fully understand. As a result, fixing bugs and implementing new features correctly becomes difficult and time consuming. What’s more, this tends to be a downwards spiral. If the codebase is difficult to understand, then changes won’t be made correctly. You will end up with a monstrous, incomprehensible big ball of mud.

The sheer size of the application will also slow down development. The larger the application, the longer the start-up time is. I surveyed developers about the size and performance of their monolithic applications, and some reported start-up times as long as 12 minutes. I’ve also heard anecdotes of applications taking as long as 40 minutes to start up. If developers regularly have to restart the application server, then a large part of their day will be spent waiting around and their productivity will suffer.

Another problem with a large, complex monolithic application is that it is an obstacle to continuous deployment. Today, the state of the art for SaaS applications is to push changes into production many times a day. This is extremely difficult to do with a complex monolith, Since you must redeploy the entire application in order to update any one part of it. The lengthy start-up times that I mentioned earlier won’t help either. Also, since the impact of a change is usually not very well understood, it is likely that you have to do extensive manual testing. Consequently, continuous deployment is next to impossible to do.

Monolithic applications can also be difficult to scale when different modules have conflicting resource requirements. For example, one module might implement CPU-intensive image processing logic and would ideally be deployed in Amazon EC2 Compute Optimized instances. Another module might be an in-memory database and best suited for EC2 Memory-optimized instances. However, because these modules are deployed together, you have to compromise on the choice of hardware.

Another problem with monolithic applications is reliability. Because all modules are running within the same process, a bug in any module, such as a memory leak, can potentially bring down the entire process. Moreover, since all instances of the application are identical, that bug will impact the availability of the entire application.

Last but not least, monolithic applications make it extremely difficult to adopt new frameworks and languages. For example, let’s imagine that you have 2 million lines of code written using the XYZ framework. It would be extremely expensive (in both time and cost) to rewrite the entire application to use the newer ABC framework, even if that framework was considerably better. As a result, there is a huge barrier to adopting new technologies. You are stuck with whatever technology choices you made at the start of the project.

To summarize: you have a successful business-critical application that has grown into a monstrous monolith that very few, if any, developers understand. It is written using obsolete, unproductive technology that makes hiring talented developers difficult. The application is difficult to scale and is unreliable. As a result, agile development and delivery of applications is impossible.

So what can you do about it?

Microservices - Tackling the Complexity

Many organizations, such as Amazon, eBay, and Netflix, have solved this problem by adopting what is now known as the Microservices Architecture pattern. Instead of building a single monstrous, monolithic application, the idea is to split your application into set of smaller, interconnected services.

A service typically implements a set of distinct features or functionality, such as order management, customer management, etc. Each microservice is a mini-application that has its own hexagonal architecture consisting of business logic along with various adapters.

Some microservices would expose an API that’s consumed by other microservices or by the application’s clients. Other microservices might implement a web UI. At runtime, each instance is often a cloud virtual machine (VM) or a Docker container.

Each functional area of the application is now implemented by its own microservice. Moreover, the web application is split into a set of simpler web applications. This makes it easier to deploy Each backend service exposes a REST API and most services consume APIs provided by other services. Services might also use asynchronous, message-based communication.

Benefits of Microservices

The Microservices Architecture pattern has a number of important benefits. First, it tackles the problem of complexity. It decomposes what would otherwise be a monstrous monolithic application into a set of services. While the total amount of functionality is unchanged, the application has been broken up into manageable chunks or services. Each service has a well-defined boundary in the form of a remote procedure call (RPC)-driven or message-driven API. The Microservices Architecture pattern enforces a level of modularity that in practice is extremely difficult to achieve with a monolithic code base. Consequently, individual services are much faster to develop, and much easier to understand and maintain.

Second, this architecture enables each service to be developed independently by a team that is focused on that service. The developers are free to choose whatever technologies make sense, provided that the service honors the API contract. Of course, most organizations would want to avoid complete anarchy by limiting technology options.

However, this freedom means that developers are no longer obligated to use the possibly obsolete technologies that existed at the start of a new project. When writing a new service, they have the option of using current technology. Moreover, since services are relatively small, it becomes more feasible to rewrite an old service using current technology.

Third, the Microservices Architecture pattern enables each microservice to be deployed independently. Developers never need to coordinate the deployment of changes that are local to their service. These kinds of changes can be deployed as soon as they have been tested. The UI team can, for example, perform A|B testing and rapidly iterate on UI changes.

The Microservices Architecture pattern makes continuous deployment possible. Finally, the Microservices Architecture pattern enables each service to be scaled independently. You can deploy just the number of instances of each service that satisfy its capacity and availability constraints. Moreover, you can use the hardware that best matches a service’s resource requirements. For example, you can deploy a CPU-intensive image processing service on EC2 Compute Optimized instances and deploy an in-memory database service on EC2 Memory-optimized instances.

The drawbacks of Microservices

Like every other technology, the Microservices architecture pattern has drawbacks. One drawback is the name itself. The term microservice places excessive emphasis on service size. In fact, there are some developers who advocate for building extremely fine-grained 10-100 LOC services. While small services are preferable, it’s important to remember that small services are a means to an end, and not the primary goal. The goal of microservices is to sufficiently decompose the application in order to facilitate agile application development and deployment.

Another major drawback of microservices is the complexity that arises from the fact that a microservices application is a distributed system. Developers need to choose and implement an inter-process communication mechanism based on either messaging or RPC. Moreover, they must also write code to handle partial failure, since the destination of a request might be slow or unavailable. While none of this is rocket science, it’s much more complex than in a monolithic application, where modules invoke one another via language-level method/procedure calls.

Another challenge with microservices is the partitioned database architecture. Business transactions that update multiple business entities are fairly common. These kinds of transactions are trivial to implement in a monolithic application because there is a single database. In a microservices-based application, however, you need to update multiple databases owned by different services. Using distributed transactions is usually not an option, and not only because of the CAP theorem. They simply are not supported by many of today’s highly scalable NoSQL databases and messaging brokers. You end up having to use an eventual consistency-based approach, which is more challenging for developers.

Testing a microservices application is also much more complex. For example, with a modern framework such as Spring Boot, it is trivial to write a test class that starts up a monolithic web application and tests its REST API. In contrast, a similar test class for a service would need to launch that service and any services that it depends upon, or at least configure stubs for those services. Once again, this is not rocket science, but it’s important to not underestimate the complexity of doing this.

Another major challenge with the Microservices Architecture pattern is implementing changes that span multiple services. For example, let’s imagine that you are implementing a story that requires changes to services A, B, and C, where A depends upon B and B depends upon C. In a monolithic application you could simply change the corresponding modules, integrate the changes, and deploy them in one go. In contrast, in a Microservices Architecture pattern you need to carefully plan and coordinate the rollout of changes to each of the services. For example, you would need to update service C, followed by service B, and then finally service A. Fortunately, most changes typically impact only one service; multi-service changes that require coordination are relatively rare.

Deploying a microservices-based application is also much more complex. A monolithic application is simply deployed on a set of identical servers behind a traditional load balancer. Each application instance is configured with the locations (host and ports) of infrastructure services such as the database and a message broker. In contrast, a microservice application typically consists of a large number of services. For example, Hailo has 160 different services and Netflix has more than 600, according to Adrian Cockcroft. Each service will have multiple runtime instances. That’s many more moving parts that need to be configured, deployed, scaled, and monitored. In addition, you will also need to implement a service discovery mechanism that enables a service to discover the locations (hosts and ports) of any other services it needs to communicate with. Traditional trouble ticket-based and manual approaches to operations cannot scale to this level of complexity.

Consequently, successfully deploying a microservices application requires greater control of deployment methods by developers and a high level of automation. One approach to automation is to use an off-the-shelf platform-as-a-service (PaaS) such as Cloud Foundry. A PaaS provides developers with an easy way to deploy and manage their microservices. It insulates them from concerns such as procuring and configuring IT resources. At the same time, the systems and network professionals who configure the PaaS can ensure compliance with best practices and with company policies.

Another way to automate the deployment of microservices is to develop what is essentially your own PaaS. One typical starting point is to use a clustering solution, such as Kubernetes, in conjunction with a container technology such as Docker.

Microservices Deployment Strategy

Deploying a monolithic application means running one or more identical copies of a single, usually large, application. You typically provision N servers (physical or virtual) and run M instances of the application on each server. The deployment of a monolithic application is not always entirely straightforward, but it is much simpler than deploying a microservices application.

A microservices application consists of tens or even hundreds of services. Services are written in a variety of languages and frameworks. Each one is a mini-application with its own specific deployment, resource, scaling, and monitoring requirements. For example, you need to run a certain number of instances of each service based on the demand for that service. Also, each service instance must be provided with the appropriate CPU, memory, and I/O resources. What is even more challenging is that despite this complexity, deploying services must be fast, reliable and cost-effective.

There are a few different microservice deployment patterns. Let’s look first at the Multiple Service Instances per Host pattern.

Multiple Service Instances Per Host Pattern

One way to deploy your microservices is to use the Multiple Service Instances per Host pattern. When using this pattern, you provision one or more physical or virtual hosts and run multiple service instances on each one. In many ways, this is the traditional approach to application deployment. Each service instance runs at a well-known port on one or more hosts. The host machines are commonly treated like pets.

There are a couple of variants of this pattern. One variant is for each service instance to be a process or a process group. For example, you might deploy a Java service instance as a web application on an Apache Tomcat server. A Node.js service instance might consist of a parent process and one or more child processes. The other variant of this pattern is to run multiple service instances in the same process or process group. For example, you could deploy multiple Java web applications on the same Apache Tomcat server or run multiple OSGI bundles in the same OSGI container.

The Multiple Service Instances per Host pattern has both benefits and drawbacks. One major benefit is its resource usage is relatively efficient. Multiple service instances share the server and its operating system. It’s even more efficient if a process or group runs multiple service instances, for example, multiple web applications sharing the same Apache Tomcat server and JVM.

Another benefit of this pattern is that deploying a service instance is relatively fast. You simply copy the service to a host and start it. If the service is written in Java, you copy a JAR or WAR file. For other languages, such as Node.js or Ruby, you copy the source code. In either case, the number of bytes copied over the network is relatively small.

Also, because of the lack of overhead, starting a service is usually very fast. If the service is its own process, you simply start it. Otherwise, if the service is one of several instances running in the same container process or process group, you either dynamically deploy it into the container or restart the container. Despite its appeal, the Multiple Service Instances per Host pattern has some significant drawbacks. One major drawback is that there is little or no isolation of the service instances, unless each service instance is a separate process. While you can accurately monitor each service instance’s resource utilization, you cannot limit the resources each instance uses. It’s possible for a misbehaving service instance to consume all of the memory or CPU of the host. There is no isolation at all if multiple service instances run in the same process.

All instances might, for example, share the same JVM heap. A misbehaving service instance could easily break the other services running in the same process. Moreover, you have no way to monitor the resources used by each service instance. Another significant problem with this approach is that the operations team that deploys a service has to know the specific details of how to do it. Services can be written in a variety of languages and frameworks, so there are lots of details that the development team must share with operations. This complexity increases the risk of errors during deployment. As you can see, despite its familiarity, the Multiple Service Instances per Host pattern has some significant drawbacks. Let’s now look at other ways of deploying microservices that avoid these problems.

Service Instance per Host Pattern

Another way to deploy your microservices is the Service Instance per Host pattern. When you use this pattern, you run each service instance in isolation on its own host. There are two different different specializations of this pattern: Service Instance per Virtual Machine and Service Instance per Container.

Service Instance per Virtual Machine Pattern :- When you use Service Instance per Virtual Machine pattern, you package each service as a virtual machine (VM) image such as an Amazon EC2 AMI. Each service instance is a VM (for example, an EC2 instance) that is launched using that VM image.

This is the primary approach used by Netflix to deploy its video streaming service. Netflix packages each of its services as an EC2 AMI using Aminator. Each running service instance is an EC2 instance. There are a variety tools that you can use to build your own VMs. You can configure your continuous integration (CI) server (for example, Jenkins) to invoke Aminator to package your services as an EC2 AMI. Packer is another option for automated VM image creation. Unlike Aminator, it supports a variety of virtualization technologies including EC2, DigitalOcean, VirtualBox, and VMware.

The company Boxfuse has a compelling way to build VM images, which overcomes the drawbacks of VMs that I describe below. Boxfuse packages your Java application as a minimal VM image. These images are fast to build, boot quickly, and are more secure since they expose a limited attack surface.

The company CloudNative has the Bakery, a SaaS offering for creating EC2 AMIs. You can configure your CI server to invoke the Bakery after the tests for your microservice pass. The Bakery then packages your service as an AMI. Using a SaaS offering such as the Bakery means that you don’t have to waste valuable time setting up the AMI creation infrastructure. The Service Instance per Virtual Machine pattern has a number of benefits. A major benefit of VMs is that each service instance runs in complete isolation. It has a fixed amount of CPU and memory and can’t steal resources from other services. Another benefit of deploying your microservices as VMs is that you can leverage mature cloud infrastructure. Clouds such as AWS provide useful features such as load balancing and autoscaling.

Another great benefit of deploying your service as a VM is that it encapsulates your service’s implementation technology. Once a service has been packaged as a VM it becomes a black box. The VM’s management API becomes the API for deploying the service. Deployment becomes much simpler and more reliable.

The Service Instance per Virtual Machine pattern has some drawbacks, however. One drawback is less efficient resource utilization. Each service instance has the overhead of an entire VM, including the operating system. Moreover, in a typical public IaaS, VMs come in fixed sizes and it is possible that the VM will be underutilized. Moreover, a public IaaS typically charges for VMs regardless of whether they are busy or idle. An IaaS such as AWS provides autoscaling, but it is difficult to react quickly to changes in demand. Consequently, you often have to overprovision VMs, which increases the cost of deployment.

Another downside of this approach is that deploying a new version of a service is usually slow. VM images are typically slow to build due to their size. Also, VMs are typically slow to instantiate, again because of their size. Also, an operating system typically takes some time to start up. Note, however, that this is not universally true, since lightweight VMs such as those built by Boxfuse exist.

Another drawback of the Service Instance per Virtual Machine pattern is that usually you (or someone else in your organization) are responsible for a lot of undifferentiated heavy lifting. Unless you use a tool such as Boxfuse that handles the overhead of building and managing the VMs, then it is your responsibility. This necessary but time-consuming activity distracts from your core business.

Service Instance per Container Pattern :- When you use the Service Instance per Container pattern, each service instance runs in its own container. Containers are a virtualization mechanism at the operating system level. A container consists of one or more processes running in a sandbox. From the perspective of the processes, they have their own port namespace and root filesystem. You can limit a container’s memory and CPU resources. Some container implementations also have I/O rate limiting. Examples of container technologies include Docker and Solaris Zones.

To use this pattern, you package your service as a container image. A container image is a filesystem image consisting of the applications and libraries required to run the service. Some container images consist of a complete Linux root filesystem. Others are more lightweight. To deploy a Java service, for example, you build a container image containing the Java runtime, perhaps an Apache Tomcat server, and your compiled Java application. Once you have packaged your service as a container image, you then launch one or more containers. You usually run multiple containers on each physical or virtual host. You might use a cluster manager such as Kubernetes or Marathon to manage your containers. A cluster manager treats the hosts as a pool of resources. It decides where to place each container based on the resources required by the container and resources available on each host.

The Service Instance per Container pattern has both benefits and drawbacks. The benefits of containers are similar to those of VMs. They isolate your service instances from each other. You can easily monitor the resources consumed by each container. Also, like VMs, containers encapsulate the technology used to implement your services. The container management API also serves as the API for managing your services.

However, unlike VMs, containers are a lightweight technology. Container images are typically very fast to build. For example, on my laptop it takes as little as 5 seconds to package a Spring Boot application as a Docker container. Containers also start very quickly, since there is no lengthy OS boot mechanism. When a container starts, what runs is the service.

There are some drawbacks to using containers. While container infrastructure is rapidly maturing, it is not as mature as the infrastructure for VMs. Also, containers are not as secure as VMs, since the containers share the kernel of the host OS with one another. Another drawback of containers is that you are responsible for the undifferentiated heavy lifting of administering the container images. Also, unless you are using a hosted container solution such as Google Container Engine or Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), then you must administer the container infrastructure and possibly the VM infrastructure that it runs on.

Also, containers are often deployed on an infrastructure that has per-VM pricing. Consequently, as described earlier, you will likely incur the extra cost of over-provisioning VMs in order to handle spikes in load. Interestingly, the distinction between containers and VMs is likely to blur. As mentioned earlier, Boxfuse VMs are fast to build and start. The Clear Containers project aims to create lightweight VMs. There is also growing interest in unikernels. Docker, Inc acquired Unikernel

There is also the newer and increasingly popular concept of server-less deployment, which is an approach that sidesteps the issue of having to choose between deploying services in containers or VMs. Let’s look at that next.

Serverless Deployment

AWS Lambda is an example of serverless deployment technology. It supports Java, Node.js, and Python services. To deploy a microservice, you package it as a ZIP file and upload it to AWS Lambda. You also supply metadata, which among other things specifies the name of the function that is invoked to handle a request (a.k.a. an event). AWS Lambda automatically runs enough instances of your microservice to handle requests. You are simply billed for each request based on the time taken and the memory consumed. Of course, the devil is in the details, and you will see shortly that AWS Lambda has limitations. But the notion that neither you as a developer, nor anyone in your organization, need worry about any aspect of servers, virtual machines, or containers is incredibly appealing.

A Lambda function is a stateless service. It typically handles requests by invoking AWS services. For example, a Lambda function that is invoked when an image is uploaded to an S3 bucket could insert an item into a DynamoDB images table and publish a message to a Kinesis stream to trigger image processing. A Lambda function can also invoke third-party web services.

There are four ways to invoke a Lambda function:

  1. Directly, using a web service request
  2. Automatically, in response to an event generated by an AWS service such as S3, DynamoDB, Kinesis, or Simple Email Service
  3. Automatically, via an AWS API Gateway to handle HTTP requests from clients of the application
  4. Periodically, according to a cron-like schedule

As you can see, AWS Lambda is a convenient way to deploy microservices. The requestbased pricing means that you only pay for the work that your services actually perform. Also, because you are not responsible for the IT infrastructure, you can focus on developing your application.

There are, however, some significant limitations. Lambda functions are not intended to be used to deploy long-running services, such as a service that consumes messages from a third-party message broker. Requests must complete within 300 seconds. Services must be stateless, since in theory AWS Lambda might run a separate instance for each request. They must be written in one of the supported languages.

Services must also start quickly; otherwise, they might be timed out and terminated.

Key learnings and insights

Building complex applications is inherently difficult. The Monolithic Architecture pattern only makes sense for simple, lightweight applications. You will end up in a world of pain if you use it for complex applications. The Microservices Architecture pattern is the better choice for complex, evolving applications, despite the drawbacks and implementation challenges.

Deploying a microservices application is challenging. You may have tens or even hundreds of services written in a variety of languages and frameworks. Each one is a mini-application with its own specific deployment, resource, scaling, and monitoring requirements. There are several microservice deployment patterns, including Service Instance per Virtual Machine and Service Instance per Container. Another intriguing option for deploying microservices is AWS Lambda, a serverless approach.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hitendra Kumar – Sr. Solution Architect

Entrepreneurial-spirited, pioneering technologist with 18+ years of experience identifying, qualifying, building consensus for, and implementing enabling technologies and enterprise systems that facilitate business processes and strategic objectives. Broad expertise in IT, Automation, Dev Ops, Cloud, Analytics, Ecommerce and Payment system architecture/infrastructure design, full project life cycle management, client/vendor relationship management, and financial/operational management. Ably manage overall productivity, reorganization, and process improvement initiatives.

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